You will find a lot of shared website hosting companies available, but the majority of them are resellers who have minimal resources, particularly in terms of support. One way to distinguish them is the option to contact the company over the phone. The level of support that you'll have through this particular method of communication may vary based on the provider - several of them provide professional telephone support, others offer common and customer support only since some issues are more time-consuming and it would be more convenient to be resolved with a support ticket, especially when the issue needs to be escalated. However, it is good to know that you can always get in touch with your website hosting provider since there're plenty of small-scale matters which can be taken care of efficiently and in a timely manner with a telephone call, not mentioning that you will be able to get additional info about the services even before you become a client.

Phone Support in Shared Website Hosting

We know that being able to consult with a live consultant is very important, so we have three support lines all around the world (Australia, USA and UK) and you have the option to contact us over the phone for 14 hours a day. If you consider obtaining one of our shared website hosting, for example, you'll be able to give us a call and find more about our services before you order so as to make sure that we cover all system requirements for your websites. Following your purchase, you'll be able to contact us about all the sales and billing issues you may experience, or receive any type of general or basic technical information that you need. We've aimed to find the perfect balance between telephone and ticket support, so for entirely technical issues you have to use our ticketing system, that will make it easier to track the communication together with any new developments in the resolution of an issue.

Phone Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

Every time you need more information about the semi-dedicated servers that we offer, you will be able to call any of the three support phone lines that we have worldwide - in the U.S.A., the United Kingdom and Australia. Thus, you will be able to check ahead of time whether our services are suitable for your websites. If you're already our client and you've got a semi-dedicated account, you have the option to reach us on the phone for 14 hours daily about any kind of billing or common questions. For entirely tech issues you're able to employ our ticketing system in order to get in touch with our tech support as someissues just require more time to be dealt with, still we can help you over the phone with quite a lot of minor technical issues as well, saving you time and efforts.